Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day Ten - DYING

Whoever said a goodnight's rest is all you need is clearly wrong. My eye "looks like a gecko" according to Chase. thanks Chase.(insert middle finger emoji) I have pink eye in Fiji, but I'm hanging in there (barely). I got some eye drops flowing and some drugs in my system. My eye is looking loads better. Lisa brought me some cereal in bed. After a warm shower, I made an appearance with my gecko eye. Today was chill. everyone had time to edit and sort through their pictures. I finally got to upload my blog. Uploading pictures took FOREVER. we also picked our 3 best pictures for the critique we did after dinner. I played connect four with chase. The Nat Geo expert Ula arrived! She's so cool and it was awesome to hear her thoughts on our pictures. It was really cool to see everyone else's top pics from the trip. My low today was my eye but my high today was when Jamison and Chase gave me their fries at lunch. Shoutout to holly and Ula for getting me eyes drops. Oh and the ice cream here at Mango Bay is off the charts amaazzinggg.
I beat Chase a lot at connect four 

a photo of us circled up on the beach doing our highs and lows of that day
CC and ice cream!!!

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